Commander Holliz Yarthang

Name Holliz Yarthang

Position Imperial Adversary

Second Position Imperial Adversary

Rank Commander

Last Post

Vital Statistics

Species Human
Gender Female
Age 32

Equipment Loadout

Assigned Vehicle VSD Dominator
Preferred Weapon Star Destroyer

Physical Attributes

Height 5'8"
Weight 130
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Profile Holliz Yarthang is an Alderanean considered very beautiful by the human population of the galaxy. She has been the recruiting face of the Empire for most of her life. Few have watched Imperial new reels without knowing her face. Her voice is used by computer systems on most Imperial vessels, immigration control stations, and public service announcements.


Personality & Traits

Personality Profile Very Serious, but can be charming as the situation requires.
Strengths & Weaknesses Holliz is very focused on her career.
Her zeal for the Emperor is inspirational and motivating but also a blindness in dealing with certain situations.

She can be calculating, but also very vindictive.
Ambitions Serve the Empire, Retire in luxury
Hobbies & Interests

Historical Data

Personal History Commander Yarthang was a child of the beautiful planet of Alderaan, one of the planets most loyal to the Emperor during the Clone Wars. Being only 10 years old at the time she had but scant recollections of any actual events of the Clone Wars aside from Emperor Palpatine ending the war and disorder brought on by the seperatists. Cordelia was one of the first children brought into the Imperial Pioneers Youth movement that came to idolize the Emperor.

As the Royal family of Alderaan began to pull back on their patriotic duty in following the Emperor in favor of the dying Republic, Palpatine relocated the Imperial Pioneers to Imperial Center. Holliz was thrilled to move to the capital city and finish her schooling under the shadow of the Emperor. Her zeal at the youth rallies was exactly what the empire was looking for in their young people. She became the face of the young empire, and her studies and activities at the University of Coruscant were used to inspire young people from across the galaxy to embrace the long arms of their imperial masters.

Despite her Alderaanean beauty and the success and fame she gained as an imperial posterchild, Holliz was not happy. A remnant of the excesses of the Old Republic, a distinct class system was apparent throughout the Empire. She was not of high birth, and even she could see the 'benefits' of class privilege as the house of Organa shoved their girl child into the forefront of Imperial society. Holliz disliked the notion of petty jealousy, but the antics of the the Organa scion got under her skin. Holliz had dedicated her life to carrying out the benevolent will of the Emperor, but this child Princess of Alderaan, 10 years her inferior, was now poised to ascend to the Imperial Senate on a platform of opposing the Lord Palpatine. It was this arrogance and callous disrespect that brought Holliz into the Imperial forces. By taking a stand for the Emperor and spreading his peace through the galaxy, even a woman of low birth could enter the society of the elite. Hard work, sacrifice and dogged persistence would lead her to places others like the Organas just were born into.

Driven was a word Holliz’ superiors would use for the young recruit as she rapidly moved up in the ranks of the military. She never had to even don the armor of a Stormtrooper before she was tapped for officer training. Somewhere in her heart she knew the Emperor was pulling for her. She had basic combat training, but was very directly moved to positions that ended up on hold recordings throughout the galaxy. The pride and adoration on her face when she was introduced to the legendary Lord Vader was captured on camera and used to recruit thousands of new troopers.

After years of hard work in front of the cameras, Holliz had earned the rank of Lt. Commander and assigned to the Star Destroyer Dominator. Holliz was full of ambition knowing she had risen higher in the military than 98% of women in the Imperial navy. Her zeal for the empire was still contagious, and each promotion brought her closer to joining the elite of the galaxy. Soon. Very soon..
Service Record Imperial Space Academy, University of Coruscant– Political Science

Imperial News Bureau, Coruscant

Ministry of Immigration and Customs, Coruscant

Imperial Intelligence, Coruscant, Lieutenant

VSD Dominator, Political Officer, Commander.