Captain Sella Carduel

Name Sella Carduel

Position Imperial Adversary

Second Position Imperial Adversary

Rank Captain

Last Post

Vital Statistics

Species Human
Gender Female
Age 29

Equipment Loadout

Assigned Vehicle TIE Interceptor
Preferred Weapon Laser Cannons
Additional Owned Equipment Blastech E-11 Blaster rifle
TIE Fighter pilots gear
Survival Pack

Physical Attributes

Height 1.83m
Weight 75kg
Hair Color Purple
Eye Color Black
Physical Profile Sella Carduel is a human female who is 1.83m (6ft) tall with purple hair and black eyes.


Family Members Ran (father: deceased: executed by Lord Vader)
Verse (Mother: deceased: Executed a week after Ran)
Rafan (brother: Imperial Stormtrooper)
Haro (brother: TIE Fighter pilot: KIA)
Jaa (brother: Imperial Officer)

Personality & Traits

Personality Profile Sella Carduel is a die hard Imperial loyalist, who will do whatever it takes to prove herself to the Empire, especially in the wake of her father's dismal failure to serve the Empire, for which he was executed by Lord Vader.

Sella Carduel has zero time for failure or for weakness, and is quite well known within the Empire for her ruthless disposal of anyone and everyone who fails to meet her expectations. She has killed a great many enemies of the Empire in combat and quite a few Imperial pilots along the way.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Die Hard Loyalist
+ Ruthless
+ Willing to do what it takes to get the job done
+ Has Zero tolerance for failure

- Has Zero tolerance for failure towards her own wingmen
- Can be too mission focused at times
- Can be blindsided if too focused on the mission at hand
Ambitions Sella Carduel has three ambitions in life:

Serve the Empire to the best of her abilities
Rise as high as she can through the ranks
Kill Rebel Scum
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies:

Subjecting her subordinates to grueling training regimes


Improving her flight skills
Improving her wingmen through subjecting them to grueling training regimes

Historical Data

Personal History Sella Carduel was born on the planet of Corellia sometime in the year 30BBY, she was the youngest of the four children born to Ram and Verse Carduel, her father was a member of CorSec and her mother was a Doctor.

Sella Carduel was just 8 when the Clone Wars broke out, and she saw little of her father during the Clone Wars as he had joined the Grand Army of the Republic fleet at the outbreak of the conflict, it also saw her brother Rafan go off to war just before the war came to an end.

In the aftermath of the collapse of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire, Sella Carduel like her siblings and her father were quick to align themselves with the Empire, whereas Verse was not so eager and Sella Carduel began to suspect her of treacherous beliefs.

In 12BBY Sella Carduel joined the Imperial ranks where she was selected to become a TIE Fighter pilot like her now dead brother Haro. Sella Carduel soon proved herself even more a gifted pilot than Haro had been.

In the years since Sella Carduel joined the Imperial ranks, she has earned a formidable reputation as a combat pilot, both for her ruthless pursuit of enemies of the Empire, and as one not to cross as she was renowned for killing her own wingmen if they failed.

The failure of Ran Carduel to serve the Empire to the fullest of his abilities ended in his death at the hands of Lord Vader, and also in the death of her treacherous mother who had been in an Imperial prison for quite some time.

Sella Carduel was once considered for a role within the Black Eight Squadron, Vader's personal elite squadron, but was not reassigned to it given Vader had killed her father and she had a tendency to kill her wingmen.

In 1BBY Sella Carduel was assigned to the Victory class Star Destroyer Dominator as the new wing commander, under the command of Commander Holliz Yarthang, Vader had assigned Sella Carduel to work with Holliz Yarthang personally.
Service Record 12BBY: Joined the Galactic Empire
12BBY: Joined the Imperial Starfighter Corps
12-1BBY: Various assignments throughout the Empire
12-1BBY: Ruthless TIE Fighter pilot hunting rebel scum as well as enemies of the Empire down
1BBY: Assigned to the VSD Dominator
1BBY-: Squadron Leader aboard the VSD Dominator