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Neutral Ground

Posted on Thu Apr 28th, 2022 @ 9:47pm by Flight Officer Onyesonwu Zyd & Lieutenant Melvyn Kosta

Mission: Scoundrels, Cuttthroats and Rogues
Location: Tobuk Chal Lanna
Timeline: Day 2 at 2100

Once fed, showered and in fresh clothes, Melvyn felt almost human again. He'd been able to scrape off the two days' worth of stubble that had been shadowing his face, clean up his various scrapes and bruises, and the clothes Haro had given him were almost his size. Funny how small things could make such a change in his mood. He wouldn't describe himself as cheerful by any stretch of the imagination, but... a little less gloomy perhaps.

Although he was exhausted, his nerves - stretched to their limits - would take a moment to allow him to relax enough for sleep. Add to that the not-irrelevant detail that he hadn't exactly been assigned a bunk, and he was wary about taking too many liberties around here. Defector or not, he was still an Imperial on a rebel ship, and probably not that far off a one-way trip into the airlock if Tawshii was allowed a vote on the matter.

With that thought in mind he steered well clear of the cockpit and the kitchen, the two places where the wookie was most likely to be found. That didn't leave an awful lot of places to be hanging around ; that was how, more by accident than design, he found himself wandering into the cargo bay with the vague hope of getting a quiet moment to himself.

He stopped short at the entrance, a movement in the dim light catching his eye. The dark-skinned woman - she'd introduced herself as Onyesonwu, he remembered - was standing there, scowling at the broken remains of the speeder they had been riding a few hours ago. And at the not-inconsequential dent it had left in the metallic wall of the cargo bay. Good thing Kor had been the one driving - if Melvyn had been responsible for the dent, Tawshii probably would have killed him.

For a moment he stood still, not sure if the young woman had even seen him or not. The tension in her shoulders suggested that she had.

"I'm sorry," Melvyn quietly said at last. He wasn't even sure what he was apologizing for - for the broken speeder ? For the Empire destroying rebel operations on Nar Shaddaa ? For pretty much turning Onye's home upside down ? The apology was so inadequate as to be laughable.

Onye had seen Melvyn's appearance at the cargo bay's entrance in her peripheral vision. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly before she turned to face him directly. The man's contrition and regret showed in small ways that nevertheless spoke with honesty to Onye. It was in the slight hunch of his shoulders, the position of his feet, the droop of his head. She wanted to reassure him but to her thinking, kind words could not be truly genuine in the language of lies.

"I thought your name was Melvyn, but I will call you Sorry, if you prefer." It was a childish joke that would not have worked in her own, more precise language. She gave him a small smile.

Melvyn allowed himself a muffled snort. "You might as well. I know I have a lot to atone for." He paused, looking at her. Onye had an expressive face and body language, probably more than he was able to read or even see for what it was. He certainly wasn't able to tell what she thought of him, beyond the fact that she was not completely hostile. "And, uh... I do appreciate the ride out of Nar Shaddaa. I know space is at a premium on here. I'll try not to get in the way."

He felt like that needed to be said, even if he didn't want to draw more attention than necessary to the fact that he was directly responsible for the whole Nar Shaddaa debacle in the first place.

"It seems to me that your part in what happened resulted from your desire to do the right thing, and your desire to live. There were consequences." Onye shrugged. "The base was always going to be found eventually. Your remorse is admirable, Melvyn. But I suggest that instead of skulking around to avoid 'getting in the way,' you find ways to make yourself useful."

Onye turned to look at the speeder mess again. A speeder could be useful, or worth something, if she could repair it. Though verifying the integrity of the cargo bay's interior was a higher priority. She regarded Melvyn, he looked exhausted. "How long has it been since you last slept? If you were strapped to an interrogation chair at the time, that doesn't count."

"Uh..." he had to pause and think, because the last time he'd slept had been onboard the Exterminator and he'd lost track of how much time had passed. "Probably a couple of days," he eventually admitted with a crooked smile.

He didn't even feel tired anymore, just oddly detached from reality, a little as if he'd been drunk ; but he knew he'd probably crash the moment he lied down.

"I haven't been assigned a bunk yet, and I figured asking Taushykkyyr may be a bit premature in our relationship," he continued, stumbling slightly over the wookie's name. "I hear what you're saying about skulking around. But I think Taush... Tash..." Damn those difficult names. "...I think the wookie will need a bit more time and space before he's, uh, comfortable around me. And I have no wish to provoke him." Melvyn's smile was a bit rueful as he rubbed his head. "He does pack a punch."

Onye snorted at the understatement. "Tawshii has high expectations for everyone, but none as high as what he sets for himself." To Onye, Tawshii was fatherly comfort and protection, though she knew the wookiee was capable of violence… if and when it was warranted.

"I'll help you find ways to demonstrate your usefulness," said Onye. "But first, you must sleep. Not just for your own wellbeing, but because I can't allow you to make sleep-deprived mistakes when handling tools. The 'Chal has four cabins. Tawshii's, mine, Haro's, and a guest cabin with one bed large enough for two – my guess is that Kor'de'leia will claim that one. There are bunk beds in mine and Haro's cabin, so there's a spare in each."

She briefly considered offering Melvyn the spare bunk in her own cabin. Onye's gut told her she had nothing to fear from Melvyn, but then… she imagined her family's reaction. "I anticipate Haro and Tawshii will think the spare bunk in Haro's cabin is the most appropriate place for you to sleep."

Onye's point made a lot of sense, and Melvyn had no inclination to martyr himself anyway. If a bunk was offered he'd happily take it. However...

"Are you sure Haro's gonna be fine with that ?"

While not as hostile as Tawshii, Haro had definitely remained aloof and wary in Melvyn's vicinity. He may have loaned Melvyn fresh clothes but that didn't mean he'd be happy sharing a bunk.
Though... Melvyn glanced at Onye thoughtfully. She was young and attractive and the two seemed close. Maybe Haro would prefer sharing with him.

Well, whatever. At this point Melvyn didn't really care about bunk politics. So long as he wasn't asked to share with the wookie, he was happy to sleep anywhere.

"Well, I can't speak for Haro, but I believe he will agree it is the most logical arrangement," said Onye. She recalled Haro's reaction to Kor's invitation to him to join her in the shower, and how his interest evaporated when Kor included Melvyn. Would Kor invite Melvyn to join her in the double-bed cabin? He was a handsome man and that would solve the bunk assignment issue. Or… Kor might invite Haro instead. That thought conjured a visual Onye shied away from dwelling on. "At least for now, better for all of us to think, plan, and sort out bunks when everyone is rested. Find Haro and say I told you to get some sleep and suggested his spare bunk."

Onye regarded the speeder, she wanted to make a list of damage and parts before she turned in herself. "I'll go with you and speak with Haro if you like."

"Thank you, I would appreciate that," Melvyn agreed readily. Whatever negotiations were required to get Haro to share his cabin, he was certain the whole process would be sped up considerably by Onye's presence. While Haro seemed the quiet, amiable sort so far, they were going to have to cohabit for at least the next couple of days. Any small thing that could be done to smooth things over was worth it.

They left the hangar bay and crossed the common living areas to head to the living quarters. Belatedly Melvyn realized he didn't have any night clothes, which meant sleeping in his underwear. Maybe it really was for the best that he bunk with Haro rather than Onye or Kor.



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