Welcome to the Rogue Wings!

Welcome to Rogue Wings, a brand new Star Wars sim as part of the 22nd fleet! We're set just before the events in A New Hope and are going to be a heavily squadron mission based sim! Combat will be decided with simple dice rolls by the GM, adding a level of chance and uncertainty to combat. No players will be instakilled without their permission, but there will be consequences to getting hit by enemy fighters. There will be short times between missions to build relationships with other players and wingmen, then back into the fray.
It is a period of turmoil for the galaxy. The Galactic Emprire is removing the last vestiges of the Old Republic. Desperate worlds have secretly banded together to form a Rebel Alliance. Not strong enough to confront the Empire directly, small bands of Rebel cells are doing what they can to resist the tyranny of the Emperor. Emboldened by the formation of the Alliance, a ragtag group of pilots have formed a squadron to assist Rebel cells throughout the Galaxy. Outnumbered, and out gunned, these desperate fighters strive to keep the last embers of hope alive.
Intelligence operative, Lieutenant Kor'de'leia, a gifted but unpredictable pilot, is tasked with building a squadron from anyone willing to fly against the Empire. Instead of seeking the best and brightest, Kor is looking for cunning and guile. While discipline may not be the tightest in the squadron, they get undeniable results. They are considered criminals and expendable by the Alliance. We call them Rogues.
The sim is just starting up now, so we have plenty of positions (and call signs) open! If you think you've got what it takes to be a Rogue, then join up below or shoot me a message through Discord. Certain things (force sensitivity, which ship you fly, etc) will be based on approval, but I'm willing to work with you!

Past Accolades for Rogue Wings:

Latest Mission Posts
» The Power of Command
Mission: Scoundrels, Cuttthroats and Rogues
Posted on Sat Oct 22nd, 2022 @ 2:12am by Lieutenant Kor' de'leia & Flight Officer Rana Dahlgren & Tessgia (Tess) Strilanf
Koree huffed a little as she pulled herself to the top of the last rung of the ladder leading to the command level. Her eyes darted around waiting for another wave of security droids, but there weren't any. "It looks safe." she called back down to Tess.
"Good, let's get…
» Rebellions Are Built On Hope
Mission: Scoundrels, Cuttthroats and Rogues
Posted on Sat Oct 22nd, 2022 @ 1:59am by Lieutenant Kor' de'leia & Flight Officer Tawshiikkyrr & Flight Officer Onyesonwu Zyd
As Haro hurried out of the Chal's cockpit, Onye initiated a broadband jamming signal. She was dealing with a sentient opponent, so subtle infiltration was useless since she didn't need to worry about triggering an automated response. Problem was, broad coverage was thin.
Onye noted the barriers her counterpart had…
» Hussle and Tussle
Mission: Scoundrels, Cuttthroats and Rogues
Posted on Sat Oct 22nd, 2022 @ 1:58am by Lieutenant Kor' de'leia & Lieutenant Melvyn Kosta & Flight Officer Tawshiikkyrr & Flight Officer Onyesonwu Zyd & Flight Officer Rana Dahlgren & Flight Officer Veil of Shadow, or Vesha (Tiphereth)
The events that had unfolded after the explosion happened so fast, it was hard to keep track. Melvyn saw Tawshii charge in a rage, something that he enjoyed a lot more when he was not the intended target. He almost winced when the shistavanen came crashing down. He still had…
» Ye who enter here...
Mission: Scoundrels, Cuttthroats and Rogues
Posted on Sat Jul 16th, 2022 @ 12:30pm by Flight Officer Tawshiikkyrr & Lieutenant Kor' de'leia & Lieutenant Melvyn Kosta & Flight Officer Onyesonwu Zyd & Flight Officer Rana Dahlgren & Flight Officer Veil of Shadow, or Vesha (Tiphereth)
The approach to the Kolia Breaking Yard would be harrowing to average pilots. A dense multitude of wreckage from spacecraft to industrial stations to common rubbish blasted into space to clear it from its native planet's surface had been collected to be broken down and salvaged for aggregate stock and…
» Up to No Good
Mission: Scoundrels, Cuttthroats and Rogues
Posted on Wed May 11th, 2022 @ 1:44am by Lieutenant Kor' de'leia & Flight Officer Rana Dahlgren & Flight Officer Veil of Shadow, or Vesha (Tiphereth)
Rana Dahlgren was satisfied with her achievement, not only had she managed to get an official of the Galactic Empire to talk. She had also managed to lure him away from his minders into a dirt cheap motel where she could seduce and pump him for anything and everything he…
Latest Personal Logs
» The Road So Far
Posted on Sun Mar 21st, 2021 @ 7:44pm by Lieutenant Kor' de'leia
This is not the beginning of the story. Rogue Wings is the Continuation of the SIM Rogue Squadron. Due to problems with the server and loss of the GM/Sim Owner the story was shifted and adapted into Rogue Wings. For those with an interest in how Kor'd'leia and Jafan ended…